Suzanne Sutherland Thermographic Imaging
© Copyright Suzanne Sutherland Thermographic Imaging
Breast Thermography
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Breast Thermography

Breast Thermography is a breakthrough imaging procedure where infrared images of the breast are analyzed and rated to determine the risk of developing breast cancer.

Breast thermography imaging photo showing varying heat levels

The infrared imaging process allows you to see the range and amount of heat or thermal energy emitted from the body.

Structural tests, such as mammograms and ultrasound rely on finding physical lesions (anatomy), while Breast Thermography detects asymmetrical blood vessel circulation (physiology) within the breast.

Thermography is based on the scientific premise that before the growth of abnormal cells can occur, an increased blood supply must be circulated to the growth area.

Thermography measures the heat generated by the microcirculation of blood in the breast during this process.

For more information or to book an appointment


Suzanne was very professional, caring and thorough with her explanation, but most importantly I knew my testing was safe. Thank-you Suzanne for a wonderful and positive experience!

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Who should be tested?

Women of all ages, who want to take a pro-active approach to their health, who’ve had inconclusive mammograms or physical breast examinations or have dense or fibrocystic breasts.

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What happens during the test?

Breast thermal imaging is non-invasive, safe & completely painless – no radiation or compression is used and there is no touching by either the equipment or the technician throughout.

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